August, 2014

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Quizzes: q3: Linguistics Post-Quiz

If you can’t access the Blackboard site, please take Q3 here.

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Linguistics is the __________ study of language. (choose the best answer)

A degree in linguistics is useful for which of the following careers...

The phrase "I ain't no linguist." is ungrammatical from a linguist's perspective.

Quizzes: q2: Languages Post-Quiz

If you cannot log in to the Blackboard site for this course, please take the Q2 here.

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A fully complex language has both a spoken and written form.

The "Design Features of Language" were devised by what linguist in the 1960s?

According to Ethnologue, how many languages are currently spoken on Earth?

Office Hours Correction

Hello linguists!

I realized I made a mistake on the syllabus and when I was talking in class today. My office hours are:

Mondays, 3:30-4:45, SHW 236
Thursdays, 4:00-5:45ish, somewhere near the Student Union Starbucks

Sorry for any confusion.


Some useful “first day” links & reminders…

Hello linguists!

If you need a gmail address, go to SDSU’s ROHAN/Email services page for information:

If you saw me after class for an add code, I’ve already registered you for this site. Log in, fix your email address, change your password, and play around.

Everyone: Edit your email address and password as you like, but please keep the same user name (your last name). It’s how I’ll credit you for your work. (So… I suppose that answers the question about already having a WordPress account– yeah, keep your other one separate from this one.)

Feel free to blog a short post introducing yourself to the class!




This is going to be a great semester. In LING 101, we’ll be approaching topics in Linguistics via the tools of online resources and “new media”. This will act as a website for the course. From here you’ll find links to other online resources like: a suggested videos playlist on YouTube, a Tumblr for all things language and linguistic, the PopLx YouTube playlist, a full outline of our workflow, and a link to the Blackboard page for taking tests and quizzes. Have a look around and make sure to check out the syllabus. See you Tuesday!


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