Gen_S100C Call Home HW

Andrew Gasparini

Call to Mom

I made a phone call to my mom, who is from San Ramon, CA.

 A) I asked her about what we use when we wash the cars, and she used the term bucket.

B) She uses the phrase How’s it going? a lot.

C) I asked her what I always drink, and she said soda pop.  I think she was joking around when she said this.

D) She did not use hella in our conversation, but I know she uses it occasionally.

E) She didn’t have any idea what the term, dank, meant. Or at least she pretended she didn’t know its primary use.

She mentioned that when my dad is around his cousins, he uses his slang from their childhood, because they were all really close.  So when he’s with them he always says everything is killer or wicked or sick!  I also notice him use the phrase, “Right on!” constantly.

When asked about the different vowels and how they compare, she said that they all sounded very close, but we had our own distinctions between them.

One Comment  to  Gen_S100C Call Home HW

  1. dsbigham says:

    You say the vowels sound close, but “we had our own distinctions”… what do you mean? Does your family have an interesting way of pronouncing these vowels? Who is the “we” here?