Museum of Man- Balboa Park

Last Saturday, our dorm went to Balboa Park to be exposed to different languages and cultures in the museums. In the Museum of Man, there was an exhibit on Mayan culture and there were many places where the Mayan language was displayed.

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There were also exhibits that had to do with Egyptian culture. There were mummies on display and there were tablets that showed hieroglyphics and Mesopotamian language.


Not only this, but there was an area of the Museum of Man devoted to beer and how it is made. There was a wall with the word “beer” in many different languages and a bar with bottles of beer from around the world all over the shelf.

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After going to the Museum of Man, we went to the Instruments of Torture Exhibit. Most of these instruments were used in Europe, and were used for even the smallest crimes. It was interesting to see how punishment has changed over time and I am glad it changed so it is less harsh. There was a map of the world that showed that in most of today’s world, it is illegal and immoral to torture people the way they were tortured in the past.

Going to Balboa Park has made me realize what a diverse world we live in. It was eye-opening to learn about different cultures and languages and their history. I admire how so many cultures are represented all in one place.


-Meg Collier

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