Bonjour! Je m’appelle Jia

After taking a year of French in middle school, my love for this language has grown. I’ve always wanted to live in Paris and I would sometimes imagine myself strolling down the street just listening to everyone around me speak French. The language itself is fascinating and beautiful. Thankfully, I still remember the basics of French and can carry out a simple conversation. I think that French is a very commonly used language and is spoken in many countries around the world. Nonetheless, it is just a very fun language to learn and speak!

Many English words are of French origin in case you did not know that. Also, in English, the “p” and “k” sounds are often aspirated, while in French, the “p” and “k” sounds are generally unaspirated. To me, pronouncing the words in French is not as difficult as telling the time in French. When it comes to telling time, I definitely prefer the English method.

If you plan on travelling to any of these countries in the future, make sure to pick up some French before you go, or use an online translator. Also, learn the commonly used words and essentials of French and you will survive throughout your trip.

That’s it for now, Au revoir!


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