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Some useful “first day” links & reminders…

Hello linguists!

If you need a gmail address, go to SDSU’s ROHAN/Email services page for information:

If you saw me after class for an add code, I’ve already registered you for this site. Log in, fix your email address, change your password, and play around.

Everyone: Edit your email address and password as you like, but please keep the same user name (your last name). It’s how I’ll credit you for your work. (So… I suppose that answers the question about already having a WordPress account– yeah, keep your other one separate from this one.)

Feel free to blog a short post introducing yourself to the class!




This is going to be a great semester. In LING 101, we’ll be approaching topics in Linguistics via the tools of online resources and “new media”. This will act as a website for the course. From here you’ll find links to other online resources like: a suggested videos playlist on YouTube, a Tumblr for all things language and linguistic, the PopLx YouTube playlist, a full outline of our workflow, and a link to the Blackboard page for taking tests and quizzes. Have a look around and make sure to check out the syllabus. See you Tuesday!
