Blog 1

I have quite a number of experiances in language most recently as an ESL tutor for adults at an elementary school in my neighborhood. Most Spoken spanish, other languages included Farsi and Japenese. Only English was spoken at my and my familys’ homes, however my nationality includes German, spoken by my great-grandparents; and I remeber having a little booklet and cassette tape that spoken German phrases and repeated them in English. I remember the german pronoun for we is wir and the w is pornounced as the English V. I have at various times have taken Spanish, however for me it is somewhat basic. I wish I were more fluent but my problem is the verb conjugation as far as speaking in the correct tense. I try to speak only in Spanish to my neighbor. I have also had one semester in French as I find it very interesting that in some cases, a word with the same meaning can have a similar spelling with just a slight variation of proununication; for example”why” in spanish is ‘porque’ and the french word is pourquoi. I don’t recall ever thinking of language as a burden however if I were in another country by myself it would be burdensome and I would have some reliance for translation.  
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One Comment  to  Blog 1

  1. dsbigham says:

    When you say that Spanish is “somewhat basic”, what do you mean?
