Languages by Jia

The first language that was exposed to me was Chinese. Being born in China, I learned to speak Cantonese from my family and slowly learned mandarin as well. Ever since I was little, my grandma would buy me poetry books in Chinese and made me memorize then recite it to her. Gradually, I learned how to read Chinese as well.

My first encounter with the English language was when I first arrived in America at the age of six. I still remember having to take a test in order to attend school, which required me to learn the alphabet and some basic vocabulary, which was quite hard since it was completely new to me. Every time we had new vocabulary quizzes, I would cry at home and not want to go to school because I felt that I was stupid. However, I was finally able to speak fluent English in the third grade. As I grew older, I developed a strong interest in other foreign languages, one of them being French. When I entered seventh grade, I picked French as one of my electives and quickly fell in love with the language. Then, in eighth grade I took Spanish, hoping to learn another language and continued on with it throughout high school. In the future, I hope to travel the world so hopefully these languages will be helpful to me.

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One Comment  to  Languages by Jia

  1. dsbigham says:

    Mandarin, Cantonese, English, Spanish, French. If you learn Arabic or Hindi, you’ll have hit all the most-spoken languages on Earth– you can go anywhere and do anything!
