In Search of Culture

IMG_4880We started out our adventure quite excited in the Love Library in search of a poster in English.

IMG_4881Next, we made our way to the International Student Center where we found a poster with every language EXCEPT Russian. There we met nice people and got help from a guy with broad shoulders. This was the beginning of deception. (He gave us wrong directions to the Cross Cultural Center, so we ventured all the way to Chappy to only find out it was now at the Union -__-)

IMG_4882Before we left, we found a poster with Russian on it. We had to play eye spy to find and make sure that language was on there.

IMG_4883On our way back, we crossed paths with the Calpulli Center and stopped by the Student Disability Services room.

IMG_4884We then made it to the Student Health Services Administration room.

IMG_4885We continued our journey to the Office of the Registrar. Our search was very sweaty and tiring… notice our smiles fading.

IMG_4886At least the Student Life and Leaders room was pretty easy to find.

IMG_4887After a couple of hours of searching, manipulation and LIES… we made it to the Cross Cultural Center!!!

IMG_4888We then had to waddle all the way around the building to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships #Turnup

IMG_4891After failed attempts in the elevator (thank you Kim), we made it to the Testing Center.

IMG_4893We finally got to this office, but what the heck does OMBUDSMEN mean???

IMG_4894At least our last stop was downstairs from our dorm rooms YAAAAAAAASSSSSS <3


Team Players:

Kiara Grant

Paula Soto

Kimberly Gonzalez

One Comment  to  In Search of Culture

  1. dsbigham says:

    Good job, team! Your pictures tell a great story of … well, of fading, really. You’re clearly over it by the end. But you stuck it out!

    For what it’s worth… from the OED:

    Pronunciation: Brit. /ˈɒmbʊdzmən/ , U.S. /ˈɑmˌbədzm(ə)n/
    Inflections: Plural ombudsmen.
    Forms: also with capital initial.
    Etymology: < Swedish ombudsman legal representative or adviser (early 15th cent. in Old Swedish as wmbitzman ; also in Old Swedish as ömbotzman) Definition b. A person appointed to investigate complaints against maladministration by a particular category of organization or in a particular area of public life, such as local authorities, hospitals, or pensions. So now you know! -doug