October, 2014

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“What is your damage, Heather?”

The movie I’ve decided to watch with my friends was Heathers because we heard the movie was a 1980s version of Mean Girls. At the beginning of the movie I can see why some people say it’s an older version of Mean Girls because it’s about a regular high school girl who is invited by the most popular girls in school to join their clique. There were some elements that were similar to that in Mean Girls but as the movie went on, it got more confusing to me and believe me it’s nothing like Mean Girls. I actually had to watch the movie with subtitles on because I could hardly understand what the characters were saying. It’s true the film was in English but they used a lot of slang that we don’t hear a lot of in today’s world. Since the movie was made about 30 decades ago, the way teenagers spoke back then is way different from the way teenagers speak today. When we searched up the movie, we found out that it was suppose to be a comedy but we didn’t find it to be that funny maybe because we didn’t get any of the references made in the movie. Teens of the 80s probably enjoy that movie as teens of my generation enjoy Mean Girls because we actually understood the references made in the movies and found it funny. Throughout the movie, the characters swear at each other a lot but the way they phrase it sounded a bit weird to me. For example at the beginning, one of the Heathers say “Well, fuck me gently with a chainsaw. Do I look like Mother Teresa?” I don’t think anyone would say that nowadays and I’ve actually never heard a person say this phrase before. I also found phrases like “What’s your damage, Heather?” “Why do you have to be such a mega-bitch?” and “Veronica, why are you pulling on my dick?” (said by a girl) to be a bit strange to me but I got the gist of what it’s suppose to mean though. While watching the movie, I noticed the main character used an infix in a word when she was speaking to a friend she said “U.S fucking A” which reminded of Alafuckingbama, something we talked about in Ling class.    original tumblrmega

“Greetings and Salutations” – J.D

The movie that my friends and I watched was Heathers. It is considered a black comedy therefore, it contains foul language. I personally thought the movie was quite boring and even difficult to understand in certain scenes. This film was released in 1989 so the type of language that the characters used back then does not sound like things we would typically say nowadays. The slangs they used could easily relate to the ones teens use today. However, when the characters insult one another, they use weird sentences like “stop pulling on my dick” even though the person that said it was a girl. Personally, that was weird to me. As for my non-language village friend that also watched the film with me, he found the movie to be funny and confusing at the same time. I agree because the casual conversations between characters seem to be so complex and they use weird words. Instead of saying “what’s up” or “hey,” a character in the film says “greetings and salutations” which is very strange because it sounds very formal.

In the scene where one of the rich, popular girl named “Heather” dies, the killers plan to fake a suicidal note and one of them decides to use the word “myriad” in it. However, they realized that “Heather” would’ve never used that word, simply implying that she is stupid. In the next scene where the school board teachers discuss Heather’s apparent suicide, one of them said “I’m surprised she used the word myriad in her suicidal note.” From this, viewers can reach a conclusion that rich people are often dumb because they don’t feel the need to be educated if they have money and fame.


– Jia Wen Xu

Language Village