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LFL: hummmmm strange

Screenshot 2014-10-02 16.08.05



About Me. under graduate a senior a prototype of linguist hoping to graduate soon.

My linguistic self. i am a straight muslim mixed man from bay area. I’m well founded in islam some say i am religious some and i say i am not. i guess you could say i am religious. i use my language some ways theatrically, with a lot of no practicing muslims or the ones who claim to be religious with a variation of volume and pitch hmmmm think like the eminent sheikh ibn quadmah may Allah have mercy upon him. i used to pronounce words like “turn” and “churn” i don’t recall of any other words i would miss pronounce.

My Favorite Books. my favorite books would include umdatah fiqh,umdatah akham,sharh sunnah, quran, mughani, hadith sunnah nasi, bukhari, muslim and many others it would cover my whole page if i would keep adding books.

My Favorite Word. I think that “like of” i think is perfect word in English ( i think it is just english). it describes for example when quoting a quote of the individual and you say the word it feels like you are not plagiarizing and i like the sound of the word. it starts out sssss – ffffff making it explosive but soothing and not harsh. after all this does sometimes happens to me. its an old farsi dialect.
How is linguistics like a pine cone? although pine cone has scales i would say it is a pine cone based on how many scales it has