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HW #4

Linguistics 101 Homework #4


Make brief notes about:

p. 300, #5 – Deixis

a. yes, they & your (2)

b. no

c. no

d. yes, that & me and it

e. yes, another (another to what?) and now (what time does the sentence refer to)

f.  no

g. yes, here (home, business hotel room?), Problem (hardware, program…?), and there (office, company, technician’s home?)

p. 301, #10 : Transcribe a sentence you hear

  1. What time are you working tomorrow?  [ wʌt taɪm ɑr yu wɜr kɪŋ təˈmɔr oʊ ]

ii. because of the word “tomorrow” I was able to conclude the speaker wanted information about a specific day

iii. without the word “tomorrow” I could’ve interpreted it as any day of the week and without the word “working”  I might not understood what the speaker was referring to.

p. 302, #14: Be Brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity)

Grices statement violated the maximum of quantity which states to either make your contribution as informative as is require or not to make your contribution more informative than is required. Her statement “be brief” was more than enough to get her point across.

p. 303, #18: Fouting Maxims

i. He uses maxim of relevance.

ii. He’s avoiding being straightforward, instead he deters from the question asked by pointing out a good aspect of the movie rather than just stating his dislike for it.

p. 306, #33: Speech Acts

i. This sentence is an assertion in speech act

ii. Could either mean that its warm outside compared to how cold it is inside or that its a very warm day.

iii. Convey the difference in temperature

Provide information about the weather

iv. directly, it is conveyed directly and literally

p. 307, #37: Speech Acts (Promise vs Threat)

The listener believes that the speaker wants something done.

The listener is able to do that thing.

The listener has no choice but to do it. (?)

It has not already been done (or it could be done again).

p. 308, #40: Performatives

  1. promise is a performance verb because it commits the speaker to an action

b. suggest , no it conveys an idea thought but action is not assured

c. convince, action verb because it commits the listener to an action

d. warn, action verb because it conveys information

e. incite , no it is more of a feeling than action verb

f. forbid, performance verb demands an action

g. inspire , no because an action is not assured

h. amuse is not a performance verb because its a state of being it does not request for any action/ “performance” by the listener

i. order, is a performance verb because it demands an action

j. provoke, no action is demanded or requested


Language Variation

Do all of:

p. 444, #14 – Identify the level of linguistic structure where the variation occurs.

a. phonetic

b. syntactic

c .phonological

d. semantic

e. morphological

f. phonetic

p. 445, #16 – Natural, Some, Non-Native

Make brief notes about:

a. non-native, has fallen

b. natural

c. some , cleaning

d. some

e. some

f. non-native, I never

g. some

h. non-native

i. non-native, I want you to go home

j. natural

k. some

l. non-native

m. some

n. some

o. some

p. 446, #17 – Vocabulary variation

a. bucket

b. bag

c. curtains

d. soda

e. fireflies

f. in line

g. clean it up

h. you guys

i. a quarter ‘till 5

p. 447, #26 – Examples of variation

b. “like” “dude”

c. yolo, totes

d. spanglish

p. 450, #37 – Quizzes

The quiz I took labeled me in the region I have always lived in southern california

Language & Culture

Make brief notes about:

p. 479


politeness strategies, culturally determined.

speaker roles, depending on who you are chatting with.

Turn-taking rules, time you wait to begin speaking or respond after another person is finished speaking.


It differs because social competence can come from the community of speakers you belong to, and linguistic competence can come from what we learn for example in school while growing up.


1.May I please use the restroom? Yes you may

2. Do you know where the library is? Yes its on the left hand side/ no I do not

3. When is the test? The test is next week

4. How was your day at work? It was fine

5. Can you help me with these boxes? Yes of course

p. 480, #15

-assertiveness, less turn taking and more statements than questions

p. 481, #19

a. get me more paper

b. be a doll and grab me some more paper

c. you wouldn’t happen to know where the rest of the printing paper went would you?

d. how do we run out of paper so fast?

p. 482, #28.

etic: we ran to each other and embraced joyfully

emic: two girls ran and hugged

etic: creamy buttermilk pancakes with a hot vanilla sot latte, while I was having a phone conversation rearranging appointments and thinking about my exam Wednesday

emic: girl eating and dinking coffee talking on the phone

etic: entered the class joyfully as always, sporting his well put together outfit and began to organize his lecture for the day

emic: stepped into the class and waited for the students to arrive

Mystics of Linguistics





