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Dialect Quiz EC

One response that intrigued me was that the only area in which it is common to call a mountain lion a cougar is Washington State, which is where I’m from. I thought that this would be more common. Another question that I found interesting asked what I called a drive-through liquor store… I didn’t even know they existed. I also call cray fish ‘craw fish’ because my dad is from New Orleans and I used to visit my cousins there a ton, but most of my terminology is consistent with the west coast. – Seth Rubero

Call a Significant Person


I decided to call my grandfather because he lived in Boston for most of his life and he tends to say a lot of different words and phrases that I would never think to say. For example, if he likes something he says “this is bully” or if he is asking you if you are hungry, he will look at you and simply ask “Jeet?” as far as the generics go: soda, how’s it going, and bucket are all things that he will say. My grandfather was disgusted when I brought up slang from my era. He particularly despised ratchet and went on talking about how he didn’t understand why a trashy girl was being called a type of wrench.