Gen s100: Calling home

I called my mom for this assignment.  The way she talks is Spanglish. She uses broken English. During this call, I noticed that sometimes when she is speaking, she is using words in past tense rather than present tense.  Her accent is a Spanish accent, it isn’t that deep. Since, my mom is from a different country her use of slang is not up to date. However, is understands slang when I use it. She knows “what’s up?” is a substitution for “how are you?’. Little things like that she understands, but not words like: ratchet or turned up. On how she speaks, I really didn’t find anything unique with the words she uses. She really only talks to me in Spanish and uses Spanish slang. However, when she does speak English she tries to pronounce her words more clearly.

A) She uses the word bucket.

B) When I called, she used the phrase  “How are you?”

C) She says the word soda, when I asked her.

D) She doesn’t know what “hella” meant.

I really didn’t hear anything different in her English slang. However, with her Spanish slang there are some words that I probably never heard of and had to ask her.

a) The Pool/Pull, they sound different to me. Pool sounds like I an saying “oo” and Pull is more short and more deep, like I am saying “uh”.

b)The words Feel/Fill do not sound the same. The word “Feel” sound softer than “Fill”

c) The three words sound the same to me.

d) Caller/Collar sound the same or very similar.




One Comment  to  Gen s100: Calling home

  1. dsbigham says:

    That’s awesome that your mother can speak two languages! Most people in the US can only speak one! You should be so proud of her! Maybe don’t think of her English as “broken” but as “unique”… a special kind of English through a Spanish filter?
