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Ask a Family Member

So I decided to talk to my parents about their terms that they use. Heres what I came up with.

Bucket or Pale?

Both say Bucket. Mom is from New Jersey and she said she used to say Pale when she was younger.

Hows it going? How are you?

Both say how’s it going to friends, and how are you to co workers.

Soda or Pop?


Nobody says Hella…thank you Mom and Dad.

Some New Slang…  My Dad says “redonkulus” it’s a bit annoying, he uses it way too much!

My mom’s response was… well I mean I’ve heard of twerking.

Slang they’ve heard me use: Ratchet, Crankin’, dope


Vowel Practice:

A) Pool/Pull- Different

B) Bat/Bad/Bot- Same

C) Feel/Full- Different

D) Caller/Collar- Same

It’s interesting because both of my parents are originally from the East Coast. My Mom is from New Jersey and my Dad from Pennsylvania. They have been living in Southern California now for upwards of 20 years. However it seems strange to me that my Mom was familiar with the term pale from her childhood. I have never heard her use it with me! It was so funny when I was talking to them because as soon as I brought up some slang from my childhood I asked them if there was any slang from when they were younger. They both had to think but they came up with: groovy, wicked, and trippy. How Funny :)