Category: Who Are We?

Wisdom of the Crowds.

Two Things. (1) Crowds are only wise in the sense of generating a statistical bell-curve around an absolute point. Crowds have no ‘wisdom’ about subjective things, like whether or not high-collars will be fashionable in 2012, or whether or not the world will end in a mayantechosingularityclusterfuck. Crowds are not wise, nor are they even

Dork Dork Dork

I like the term “8bit.” I think I’m going to re-appropriate as a general catch-all for the traditional definition of nerd/dork/geek (rather than the new “Everyone’s a geek!” weak-ass interpretation).  It’s got all the caché of those other terms with none of the pejorative implications, plus, it’s esoteric enough to maintain some sense of sub-cultural

I am the Modern Man.

Oh, modernity. Machines to read our minds! This weekend was all about the modern. Updated the blog-novel and the webcomic just in time to head to SXSWi’s Screenburn Arcade and promo-push my creative endeavors…. I left my ‘business card’ promo’ing the sites on tables, set the homepages of all the ‘connection center’ computers to