Tag: linguistics

Arthropods of Woo

To get crabs, therefore, is not simply a way to live my 70s Swinger Dream Realness, but to connect with the history of our species as I scratch an itch that transcends time.

Big Guns

“It’s too fuckin’ cold to go to school.” That’s the opening line of Big Guns, the 1987 gay adult film I have on in the background as I write. I would agree, but I don’t go to school anymore, and this is Texas, and it’s May. Though, at 72°, it is colder than usual tonight.

Teaching to (the) code?

So, in about six weeks, I’ll begin teaching an online course– Introduction to Language and Linguistics, aka, LING 101. The course is fully online asychonous, which means that students go through the course at a self-directed pace, so most of the lectures, readings, and grading are automated. It’s not quite that loose, but close enough. The course

Teaching Digital Skillz

Digital Humanities. Blah blah blah, digital humanities. This coming Wednesday, I’m going to put up this great post about how the notion of “Digital Literacy” isn’t really a kind of literacy at all. I’m going to play devil’s advocate and tell you that maybe people don’t need to learn how to code. I’m going to

Maybe linguists *do* know a lot…

  “You’re a linguist? How many languages do you know?” It’s a pet-peeve of most linguists I know. There are support groups and memes and blog posts devoted to it (even, mind you, one of mine. *cough*). Linguists bluster in, “WE’RE LINGUISTS, DAMNIT! NOT POLYGLOTS! WE DON’T KNOW ANY LANGUAGES!” [insert Chomsky slam here] ANYWAY…