Category: Who Am I?

The Decision Tree.

Run Program. Maybe. In Freud’s time, the most advance technology was the steam-engine, so, naturally, he analyzed the human mind as if it were like a steam engine… people needing to “blow off steam,” things getting “bottled up until they explode,” our desires needing a “governor,” etc. More recently, with the advancement of computer technology,

House cleaning.

My house looks like a disaster… …some unholy cross between episodes of Hoarders, Cops, and the as-yet-unproduced Filth. We’ve been meaning to clean it, of course. Meaning to wade through the mountains of dirty socks and thrice-used underware stacked on the living room table, “to be washed”; meaning to do a walk-through of the other

Coulda been…

The path lay splintered at my back. Easter is always a time of ‘could have beens’ for me. When I was 16 I was in a pretty horrific car wreck.  I was going 45~50mph down an old dirt road that intersected with an empty black-topped stretch of old coal-mine byway.  Only I didn’t know where