Tag: body culture

Even in the coffee shop, there am I.

I think I’ve let my existential angst get away from me. I mean, I’ve known for a while now that this whole angst thing, this thing that made me appear deep and complex— a certain dark sexiness, a radiant weltschmerz (or whatever)— that made it possible to wear plain black t-shirts for weeks at a

Hey sexy.

Hello October… …summer is officially over, goodbye beautiful boys, goodbye dreams of the beach, goodbye my constant indecision over whether I should try to get a tan or try to avoid skin cancer, goodbye dreams of looking like a Ken Doll by Halloween. Hello autumn acceptance. Hello long walks with the dogs. Hello travel. Hello,

Misplaced Ideas from Gate 9 v.1

Now boarding… I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it many times again, but modern airtravel is so weird. (if you’re just here for the paradox, skip five paragraphs down…) I arrived two hours early for my 7pm takeoff; I didn’t want to be rushed and I miscalculated rush hour traffic. Listening to