Author: (dsb)

The Decision Tree.

Run Program. Maybe. In Freud’s time, the most advance technology was the steam-engine, so, naturally, he analyzed the human mind as if it were like a steam engine… people needing to “blow off steam,” things getting “bottled up until they explode,” our desires needing a “governor,” etc. More recently, with the advancement of computer technology,


Preface. Orko’s older brothers would never let him play ‘cauldron’ with them. “He’s too small, too puny,” they would say. I love it when a plan comes together.  I’ve got a theme for today’s blog that ties-in with the “Trapped In Super Mario World” series on the webcomic (the novel, being a novel, has it’s

Sci-Fi Saudade

Part One: Temps Perdu “À la recherche du temps perdu”… there really isn’t a great translation for it in English.   “In search of lost time” and “remembrance of things past” are the most common, but perdu is so much more subtle… it’s lost, missing, wasted, alone.  There’s a sense of darkness and despair to

House cleaning.

My house looks like a disaster… …some unholy cross between episodes of Hoarders, Cops, and the as-yet-unproduced Filth. We’ve been meaning to clean it, of course. Meaning to wade through the mountains of dirty socks and thrice-used underware stacked on the living room table, “to be washed”; meaning to do a walk-through of the other

Coulda been…

The path lay splintered at my back. Easter is always a time of ‘could have beens’ for me. When I was 16 I was in a pretty horrific car wreck.  I was going 45~50mph down an old dirt road that intersected with an empty black-topped stretch of old coal-mine byway.  Only I didn’t know where